What is Ecotourism?
Most people can deduce that ecotourism has to do with the conservation of the environment and its resources. But not everyone is aware of how accessible it is. So, in this post, we will explain the ins and outs of ecotourism.
The Good Earth: Climate Change, Public Health and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Indiana Lee ( SOURCE: ) Our Earth is the only home we have ever known. It is the only home we will ever know.
Ecotourism Is The Solution To Overtourism
Overtourism is a grave challenge that is harming the entire tourism industry. It has been covered in media and publications increasingly as a problem that stems from the very concept of travel, even if it encompasses just a small part of it.
World Wildlife Day: The 15 Biggest Threats to the World’s Oceans And what you can do to help save them
For the first time, the UN’s World Wildlife Day is highlighting threats to marine life. The theme of World Wildlife Day 2019, which takes place on March 3, is ‘Life below water: for people and planet’.
Google launches tools to make the sustainable travel option the easier choice
Google launches tools to make the sustainable travel option the easier choice Posted by Lee Hayhurst on Oct 6th, 2021 at 13:14